
Ryan graduated from the Mary Pappert School located across the river.  He has a music technology degree with a concentration  in jazz guitar.  He is also a millennial, but we try not to hold that against him.


Todd started +/- Recording at the Millvale Industrial Theatre.  Back then it was the only remotely affordable place to go for the punk and indie community.  Todd is now a professor at Drexel University.


Andy is one of the original members of Pittsburgh punk icons Anti-Flag.  He also recorded their first two records.  He started working at the studio when it was located at the M.I.T. and moved it to uptown when the M.I.T. closed.  He is currently a software developer.  Although he hasn’t played publicly in well over a decade, he is still one of the best bass players in town.


Dave Watson

Dave Watson spends his days as a sound tech for the WWE. He is a wicked guitar player and is slowly building a collection of Les Paul’s.